Check out today's Bible reading by clicking on the Bible in this app, and then select plan.


Pray and ask Holy Spirit to illuminate His Word to you as you draw near with a sincere desire to know and experience God.


Read today’s scripture, taking time to underline or highlight any word or phrase that resonates within you. You may find that reading out loud is beneficial.
We are currently reading from the Book of Acts and Book of Psalm
Author: Luke
Date Written: Between AD 63 and 70
Key Theme: An account of the birth and growth of the Christian church. Begins with the ascension of Jesus and tells how the gospel was spread to the whole world.
Author: Written by 6 different authors with the majority of them written by David (73)
Date Written: Between 1440 BC and 586 BC
Key Theme: To provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship, and confession to God. The writers have a serene confidence in God’s guidance and provision.


Look over the section of scripture and ask yourself:
  • What word or phrase jumps out or resonates within me?
  • Slowly read that word or phrase again, dwelling on the words and asking Holy Spirit “what do you want me to see or understand in these words today”?

As you meditate on these words it may be helpful to:
1. Journal. Write down the word or phrase as well as what you think Holy Spirit is teaching and saying to you.
2. Memorize. Slowly read and repeat the words over and over, until you can close your eyes and repeat them.
3. Pray. Make this scripture personal to you by using the words to form a personal prayer.
4. Word Study. Read other scriptures that use the same word to help you better understand the depth of what you are meditating on.


As you finish your tuning, ask Holy Spirit to help you understand how you need to apply what you’ve meditated on.
  • How did Holy Spirit convict you such that you need to repent and turn to God?
  • What did Holy Spirit encourage you to change in your behavior or attitude?
  • How is He leading you to live differently?

Close in prayer thanking God for the time you spent with Him today, and asking His guidance, strength, and conviction to apply what He revealed to you.


Throughout your day, continue to meditate and pray on what resonated, asking Holy Spirit to walk with you as He tunes you to know and experience Him, and to become more like Jesus.

Share with your family and church the impact of your ‘10 Minutes of Tuning’.
Example questions you might ask one another:
  • What scriptures resonated with you during your tuning?
  • What’s God been saying to you?
  • What are you struggling to understand and what do you think the scripture is saying?
  • How are you applying what you’ve read?