Spring Sale
The following is an online catalog of items that are available for purchase to raise funds for our students attending Summer Camp 2020.
Stockslagers in New Lebanon, Ohio is our flower supplier.
Flower & Mulch Sales will take place February 27th - March 26th.
Flower Delivery Day will be April 25th at the TCN Parking Lot.

If you know a student who you can purchase flower and mulch from, please acknowledge their name in the order form below.
The student whom you acknowledged on the order form or one of our leaders will reach out with payment information.


Calliope Geranium

12" Hanging Baskets- $20
A - Crimson Flame
B - Dark Red
C - Pink Flame
D - Rose Mega Splash
E - White

Bedding Flats-32 plants-$20
AA - Red
BB - Rose 
CC - Salmon 
DD - White


12" Hanging Baskets-$20
F - Orange
G - Red
H - Select Mix
I - Violet Shades
J - White

Bedding Flats-32 plants-$20
FF - Orange
GG - Red 
HH - Select Mix
II - Violet Shades
JJ - White

Dragonwing Begonia

12" Hanging Basket- $20
K - Red

Bedding Flats- 32 plants-$20
L - Pink Green Leaf
LL - Red Green Leaf
M - Pink Red Leaf
MM- Red Red Leaf

Wave Petunia

12" Hanging Basket-$20
N - Black Cherry
O - Bordeaux 
P - Bubblegum
Q - Royal Velvet
R - White

Bedding Flats - 18 plants-$22
NN - Blue
OO - Pink
PP - Purple
QQ - Red
RR - White


12" Hanging  Basket-$20
S - Confetti Mix


12" Hanging Basket-$20
T - Orange
U - Pink 
V - Red
X - Royal Magenta
Y - White

Tomato Plant

12" Pot- $15
Z - Tomato Plant

Landscaping Mulch

Bagged Mulch- 2 Cu Ft- $5
SS - Black Mulch

TT - Brown Mulch

Stockslagers Vouchers-$10