FRIDAY NIGHT: Text Ministry Leads as a reminder to contact volunteers for the next day. IF someone is unconfirmed ask the department head who is covering for that person.
Liz Wilson - Operations Coordinator (Site Coordinators, Head Ushers) (937) 336-0578
Reagan Sishler - Sound and Media (937) 733-7109
Alyssa Michael- Community Kids, bigs and lils (937) 901-0115
Kara Welcome - Coffee Shop (937) 683-3273
Katrina Tyler - First Impressions (937) 336-1259
Melinda Ooten - (937) 336-1195/ Brenda Barga- (937) 572-7568 Breakfast
Lisa Swartsell - Prayer (937) 533-9508
Mike Tyler - Safety (937) 231-4197
Chris Reke - Setup & Tear Down (937) 607-0704
Care Coordinators - Dawn and Jerry Wilson (937) 336-9848 / (937) 825-0468
Worship Coordinator- Amanda Montgomery (937) 733-3110
Arrive by 7:00am | Worship volunteers will arrive at 7:00 and all other Setup volunteers will arrive at 7:30. (If needed, key is in the lockbox at the back entrance of the YMCA. Please use to unlock the front door.)
Get blue keys from the hook on the office fridge and check to make sure all doors are unlocked. The wrench opens front doors. (Church only key=church closet | other key opens every other door you will need) Unlock the church closet in the gym first.
Check to ensure door to the pool is locked. If not, manually lock it from the inside.
Turn coffee pot on in breakfast room. There is a switch under the hot water lever. The coffee pot will light up when it is warming.
Replace clear trash bag in conference room with our black heavy duty trash bag for breakfast.
Use small key to bring up basketball hoops in gym.
Take a picture of the teen center and send it to Chris Reke and Alyssa Michael.
Review Service Notes in Planning Center (click Order of service> Today's Details) - Be sure to distribute supplies.
Locate Gray folder and distribute anything in it based on wrap up in Order of Service from PCO. Keep in church office.
Ensure 2 large tables are set up in the back of the gym. These tables are located in the church closet. Place black table cloths on them which are kept in a coffee tote.
Find candle holder tote from the closet. Place one on each of the three tables and turn the candles on. Please place a few Connect Cards and Offering envelopes each on the tables - extras of these are in the tote or in the closet in the office.
Check to make sure that: 8-10 chairs are set up against back wall of gym, tissues are put out under the chairs, and ensure that there are Connect Cards, tithing envelopes, and pens in all the seat back covers.
Double check that the stage skirt has been put on around the front of the stage (tech).
Ensure Edison classroom is unlocked. Bring out the breakfast cart, kids check in cart, and kids tables from Edison classroom.
Ensure kids closet in Edison is unlocked. Prop kids closet open with the kids wagon.
Ensure that Community Kids check-in is set-up, and the "Not an Entrance" sign is in the sign holder on the door next to the breakfast room. Please check to see if it's removed after service (Kids Coordinator).
Ensure band is practicing by 7:30am. Lights in gym should come down at this time but check with sound booth BEFORE you turn lights off.
Light switch is located behind the front desk, to the right of printer. Turn all gym lights off (4). Turn off Main foyer as well. LEAVE TRACK LIGHTS ON.
Make sure you see the projector is working. You should see them running through the slides during practice and see the announcements run (sound and media).
Ensure that the speakers throughout the church are on.
Put a bottle of water on pastor’s podium.
Ensure Exit sign has been placed on the curtains that are located to the left of the stage.
Ensure X banners have been put out. Young Adults - inside sanctuary doors, to the left; Coffee Shop - by coffee bar; First Impressions - to the left side of the foyer as you're walking in.
Ensure WHN tv is set up in doorway between conference room and Paul's office.
Check to ensure breakfast is there and set-up by 8:15am
Wear a radio and headset (Channel 7). The headsets go to you, Safety, Head Usher and just a radio to Community Lil's in the back.
RALLY TIME @ 8:40 in the hallway with Pastor Matt - ensure all available crew attend this.
Do a final walk-thru to ensure all set-up is done and to ensure all volunteers are accounted for and ready to serve.
Shut office door, conference room, and Pre-K door next to the conference room by 9am.
Ensure both sets of front doors are propped open with door stops.
Introduce yourself as the Site Coordinator for the day and connect with all ministry leads - including Community Kids teachers.
During the winter months, put 'ice-melt' down on sidewalks if/when needed before and after services.
Turn track lights off right at 9:30 when worship starts.
Pull left gym door closed once worship starts.
Do a final check of Community Kids areas to ensure they are set for service.
Turn track lights back on during meet and greet.
Ensure the table and chair is placed on stage during prayer before offering (Head Usher).
Ensure Coffee Shop signage has been place on the bar before worship is over (Coffee Shop).
Ensure all trash has been taken out once first service has emptied.
Ensure Pastor's podium has been removed from the stage and a new water is placed on it.
Ensure all volunteers for second service have arrived.
Do a final check of Community Kids areas to ensure they are set for service.
Turn track lights off right at 11 when worship starts.
Pull left gym door closed once worship starts.
Ensure Coffee Shop signage has been place on the bar before worship is over (Coffee Shop).
Turn track lights back on during meet and greet.
Ensure the table and chair is placed on stage during prayer before offering (Head Usher).
Collect Connect Cards from First Impressions. Place in gray folder.
Turn all lights back on from the switches behind the desk.
Get total attendance count from Head Usher.
Put candles back in the tote with extra media. Fold up table clothes and return to the coffee shop tote. Roll the tables back into the YMCA closet.
Ensure everyone is out of Community Lils, toilets flushed, all lights off, and doors are shut and locked.
Check two bathrooms in hallway by Community Lil Kids - pick up trash and ensure toilets are flushed.
Turn lights in hallway off (switch just inside doors to hallways by Lil Kids).
Check Community Big Kids to make sure room is back together and garbage is out.
Ensure all Apple remotes are charging at the end of each Sunday.
Check yoga room—all chairs and tables put away, closet is shut and locked. Turn off lights in the room and pull the doors shut. Get "not an entrance" out of the door and put it back in the folder.
Ensure Conference Room trash is taken out, tables are wiped down, lights are off, and doors are locked.
Ensure soap dispensers, paper towels, and toilet paper are stocked in each restroom for next week.
Ensure the gray folder with the money bag inside goes to Pastor Matt.
The only door that will need locked is the nursery door. Leave all other doors unlocked as the Y staff will already be there.
CLICK HERE to fill out and submit your service notes