Connections Coordinators- Jake and Heidi Wolf (937) 459-2410 / (937) 564-3201
Christian Layman- Sound and Media (937)417-0336
Pastor Brandon- Worship - Please reach out to Jake or Heidi Wolf with any questions
Maegann Layman- Bigs and Lils (937) 416-1829
Teresa Leeper/ Kari Ganger - Coffee Shop (937)459-6911/(937) 564-5614
Kim Anderson & Sydney McGlinch - First Impressions (937)417-3923 / (937)668-6670
Craig & Deb VanCulin - Prayer (937)621-1020
Dennis Prikkel/ Zach O'Dell - Safety (937)313-9734/ (937) 477-1654
Susan Gunkle - Breakfast - (937) 621-4903
Monique McGlinch- Operations Coordinator (937) 564-8059
Rick Filbrun- Ushers (937)569-8689
Care Coordinators- Tracy Drew/Becky Jenkinson (937) 459-6470/(937)417-9111
Christian Layman- Sound and Media (937)417-0336
Pastor Brandon- Worship - Please reach out to Jake or Heidi Wolf with any questions
Maegann Layman- Bigs and Lils (937) 416-1829
Teresa Leeper/ Kari Ganger - Coffee Shop (937)459-6911/(937) 564-5614
Kim Anderson & Sydney McGlinch - First Impressions (937)417-3923 / (937)668-6670
Craig & Deb VanCulin - Prayer (937)621-1020
Dennis Prikkel/ Zach O'Dell - Safety (937)313-9734/ (937) 477-1654
Susan Gunkle - Breakfast - (937) 621-4903
Monique McGlinch- Operations Coordinator (937) 564-8059
Rick Filbrun- Ushers (937)569-8689
Care Coordinators- Tracy Drew/Becky Jenkinson (937) 459-6470/(937)417-9111
Arrive by 7:15am to oversee all operational aspects on Sunday.
Get key from lock box on front door to unlock the office. Give key from the office lap drawer to Head Usher.
Review Service Notes in Planning Center (click Order of service> Site Coordinator> Details) - Be sure to distribute supplies. WiFi password is Community1!
Set out cones, signs, tables, and chairs. (Tables and chairs when nice weather)
Parking sign goes by alley on church side. Put cone between Rose's delivery van George Street, to ensure our guests do not block her in. Chairs go against the front of the building.
Parking sign goes by alley on church side. Put cone between Rose's delivery van George Street, to ensure our guests do not block her in. Chairs go against the front of the building.
Put on a radio and headset (Channel 15).
Take one radio to Community Lils and one radio to Community Bigs.
Place reserved seating signs on the first two chairs near the sanctuary door for those using walkers/canes/wheelchairs
Check to ensure the space heater in the back kitchen is on. (Winter only)
Ensure TV is turned to What’s Happening Now.
Turn TV on with television remote > top 'plate' of the apple tv remote will be use to navigate into WHN > Click the center of the top plate to connect the remote > click the center of the top plate to select PLAYLISTER (three lines with yellow arrow) > WHN with date will display > Click the center of the top plate again > WHN image will display > Click the center of the top plate again to bring full screen
Turn TV on with television remote > top 'plate' of the apple tv remote will be use to navigate into WHN > Click the center of the top plate to connect the remote > click the center of the top plate to select PLAYLISTER (three lines with yellow arrow) > WHN with date will display > Click the center of the top plate again > WHN image will display > Click the center of the top plate again to bring full screen
Check TVs are working throughout building (Sound and Media)
Place apple remotes in each of the Community Kids rooms.
Verify AC and/or heat is on and at the proper temperature (65˚ in the summer, 68˚ in the winter). Ensure that the Nest stays in COLD/HOT mode.
Bring down radios and headsets for both services: Head Ushers, Safety, and Officer, upon arrival. Distribute for appropriate service. (Channel 15)
Bring Offering Buckets down from the Office.
Make sure all volunteers show up and positions are covered as listed in PCO.
Make sure you see and hear announcements run at some point (Sound and Media).
at 7:45 begin to organize all volunteers into the back of the coffee shop for the rally. Rally with Pastor Brandon begins at 7:50am.
Please ensure breakfast door is closed by 8:30am.
During the winter months, put 'ice-melt' down on sidewalks if/when needed before and after services.
Please check the water jug in the water cooler, if it is empty, please fill it with water from the coffee shop sink, or the kitchen sink. Thanks
Introduce yourself as the Site Coordinator for the day and connect with all ministry leads - including Community Kids teachers
Make sure door is CLOSED between sanctuary and coffee.
Check in with Community Kids leads to make sure they don't need anything.
Ensure the table and chair is placed on stage during prayer before offering (Usher).
Check in with all departments to ensure 2nd/3rd service volunteers have shown up.
Stand in/near foyer during dismissal to remain accessible.
Ensure soap dispensers, paper towels, and toilet paper are stocked in each restroom for next week.
Ensure that the doors to the big kids room and the little kids room are closed during the summer & open during the winter.
Bring the cones, sandwich board sign and table and chairs from outside - place them in back kitchen area/chairs and tables go in youth room closet.
Collect ALL radios and headsets, return to office, make sure ALL radios are placed on the chargers. Collect all Apple remotes from the Community Kids rooms and place ALL on chargers.
Return Usher keys to middle lap drawer of desk. (If usher didn't after counting)
Return Coffee shop donation bucket to coffee shop.
Collect Connect cards and give to Jake and Heidi Wolf.
Turn off What's Happening Now TV and charge all Apple remotes, each week.
Check to ensure the space heater in the back kitchen is off. (Winter only)
Get total attendance count (excluding children) from Head Usher and break down by services.
Check to ensure the doors to the kitchens are both open during the winter to keep the back rooms from getting too cold.
Collect Tell Us About Your Kid cards from Community Kids check in and place in gray folder.
All heating and cooling temps will be automatically controlled through the Nest Thermostat system.
Ensure that all trash is taken out. Men's Restroom, Women's Restroom (Including little trash cans), Community Kids (Bigs and Lils), Mother/Baby Room, JH Room, Upstairs Bathroom, Coffee Shop and Kitchen. After trash has been taken out, replace trash bags in all bins.
Turn off all lights.
If you're the last in the building, ensure all doors are locked as you leave.
Give grey folder to staff memeber.