Women's Garden Party Sign Up

Thursday, June 1st at 6pm Richmond COF porch (4200 South A Street)

The women of RCOF would like to invite you to join us for a Garden Party.  We will meet on the porch at 6pm for dinner, fellowship and fun. Please bring a dish to share according to the letter of your last name.  (Don't make a large amount as we will have plenty of food.) Meat will be provided.
A - H should bring an appetizers
I - Q should bring a side dish
R - Z should bring a dessert.

Feel free to invite friends.  This is an adult only party, so grab a babysitter and come have a night out!  Please sign up so we can plan well!
We ask that you bring an item to share, based on the first letter of your last name. A - H should bring an appetizers, I - Q should bring a side dish and R - Z should bring a dessert