Crew breakfast is served at 8:15 and our Crew rally takes place at 8:40. We would love for you to join us for these!
Liz Wilson - Operations Coordinator (Site Coordinators, Head Ushers) (937) 336-0578
Reagan Sishler - Sound and Media (937) 733-7109
Alyssa Michael- Community Kids, bigs and lils (937) 901-0115
Kara Welcome - Coffee Shop (937) 683-3273
Katrina Tyler - First Impressions (937) 336-1259
Melinda Ooten - (937) 336-1195/ Brenda Barga- (937) 572-7568 Breakfast
Lisa Swartsell - Prayer (937) 533-9508
Mike Tyler - Safety (937) 231-4197
Chris Reke - Setup & Tear Down (937) 607-0704
Care Coordinators - Dawn and Jerry Wilson (937) 336-9848 / (937) 825-0468
Worship Coordinator- Amanda Montgomery (937) 733-3110
Wear a headset and radio set to Channel 7.
Wear an usher lanyard to be identifiable and approachable.
Get green usher keys from Site Coordinator or from office fridge.
Ensure money bag and offering sheet is placed in counting office.
Introduce yourself to the police officer on sight and be in contact with the officer over any safety concerns.
Recruit 4 ushers to take up offering in their respective sections for first service.
Make sure left sanctuary door is closed once service starts.
Ensure everyone has a seat, including our late comers. Feel free to ask people to scoot to the middle of their rows to allow more room.
Take attendance by counting all people in the sanctuary, foyer, and hallway.
The service lead for kids church will text you a picture of their numbers for both services during second service.
Ensure Pastor's table and chair is placed on the platform after worship.
Ensure all ushers are in place once offering message begins.
Secure all offering from first service in the money bag in the counting office.
Stand in the back of the sanctuary to monitor for any safety concerns within the sanctuary.
Between services, recruit 4 ushers to take up offering in their respective sections for second service.
Make sure left sanctuary door is closed once service starts.
Ensure everyone has a seat, including our late comers. Feel free to ask people to scoot to the middle of their rows to allow more room.
Take attendance by counting people in the sanctuary, foyer, and hallway.
Get attendance numbers from kids church for both services through text message.
Ensure Pastor's table and chair is placed on the platform after worship.
Ensure all ushers are in place once offering message begins.
Collect coffee shop donations.
Count offering with another approved counter and document accordingly.
Take picture of offering sheet and send to Leadership team listed on offering sheet plus Pastor Matt.
Ensure money and offering sheet are secured in the money bag and money bag is placed in the gray folder.
Send attendance numbers to site coordinator, including number of connect cards.
Return radio, headset, lanyard, and keys back to church office.
Check in with site coordinator before you leave.