Pray: Ask Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart to what He has for you as you read today’s 10 Minute Tuning.

Read: As you read today’s chapter, highlight or underline the verses that speak to you personally. Pause and dwell in the portions of the scripture that are resonating in your heart.

Journal: In today’s 10 Minute Tuning ….

1. What can I learn about God?
● What is His character, attributes, plan, works?

2. What can I learn about People?
● Who are the people, their context, their struggles, their character, their works?
● How can I see myself in them?

3. What Truth can I learn?
● What’s the lesson, the principle, command, warning, the takeaway?

4. How will I Apply this to my life?
● How does it challenge me, what will I do differently?
● What is God saying to me?

● Look over what you’ve written and turn your thoughts into a prayer.
● Thank God for your time with Him and ask Him to strengthen you as He empowers you to carry out your application.