Greenville CYA

Greenville CYA Leadership Team
Brigette Filbrun - Operations Coordinator, (937) 271-0121
Erika Clark - Connections Coordinator, (937) 259-4848
Kayla Bower - Worship, (937) 733-3986
Matt Hounshell - Production, (937) 423-8560
Luke Shellhaas - Set Up/Tear Down, (937) 621-2190
Alena Dangel - Hospitality, (513) 739-0129
Braden Smith - First Impressions, (937) 478-2230

Carson Clark - Next Gen Director, (937) 266-1034
Brigette Filbrun - Next Gen Admin, (937) 271-0121
Before Service
Please arrive at 6:00 pm. 
Be attentive to all aspects of the CYA service throughout the night in order to intentionally fill out the CYA Service Report at the end of the night. 
Check Planning Center to see who is speaking. (If Planning Center is not updated, ask Next Gen Director - Carson Clark.) 
Ensure the Worship and Production Teams have shown up by 6:00 pm and are able to set up/begin rehearsal. 
Ensure Set Up/Tear Down Team has arrived by 6:30 pm. 
Ensure Coffee Volunteer has arrived by 6:30 pm. 
Ensure Food Volunteer has arrived by 6:45 pm. 
Ensure First Impressions Team has arrived by 6:45 pm. 
Once each team has arrived, check in with them to ensure they have everything they need. THANK each volunteer for serving as you check in with them. [Set Up/Tear Down, Hospitality, First Impressions]
If there are spots that are filled, check in with Ministry Leads, who are listed above. 
Site Preparation
Turn lights on in common area. Lights should be on in the foyer, in the hallway to the sanctuary, and in the hallway next to the bathrooms. 
Turn lamp on in the hangout area by the foyer. 
Turn lights on in the bathrooms if they are not on yet. 
Set the thermostats (all 3 of them) to 70 degrees in the winter and 68 degrees in the summer. As you change the thermostat, you MUST keep it on COLD / HOT mode. 
Ensure both toilet paper and paper towels are stocked in each bathroom. 
Ensure sinks and toilets are clean in each bathroom. Cleaning supplies are in the storage closet off of the kitchen. 
Take a lap around the church, close all doors, and check for trash in each area. 
Check trash cans. If there are any full or at least half-full trash cans, take trash out to the dumpster. 
Ensure a trash can is next to the coffee bar (to the right of the glass door). 
Spot sweep around the common area/foyer and in the sanctuary. Ensure entrance to sanctuary is as clean as possible. You may run the vacuum in the sanctuary while the band is practicing, as long as they are not praying or talking. 
Ensure there are no loose objects or materials laying around; the sanctuary and the common area are to be tidy for service. You may put random items in the kitchen or in the media room. Use your discretion in putting them back following service. 
Ensure everything is set up properly. Set Up/Tear Down Team: 12 circle tables are set up with table cloths. 5 chairs are around each table. Connect Cards and pens are on each table. X-banner is set up next to the front doors in the foyer. Hospitality Team: Coffee bar is set up. Food is set in the kitchen prior to service. 
Service Preparation 
Gather Crew for pre-service gathering and prayer at 6:50 pm. 
Introduce yourself as the Site Coordinator to the speaker. Let them know that if they need anything, they can let you know. Ask the speaker their preference for the podium and chair and if they would like water. 
Make sure you are aware of the Order of Service for the night, which will be communicated in the pre-service gathering. 
Ensure the First Impressions Team is in place at 7:00 pm. 
Ensure both sanctuary doors are open during pre-service. 
Ensure pre-service playlist is playing. 
During Service
Turn off lights in the hallway leading to the sanctuary. 
Shut both doors to the sanctuary at the start of service. 
Ensure light transitions happen in the sanctuary. 
Have your phone readily available for any communication with Next Gen Director or Operations Coordinator. 
Stay back towards the back of the room during service. 
Reset the stage following worship. Move the podium and chair (if desired) for the speaker. Place water on the podium if the speaker has requested. 
Count people. Make sure to include the Worship Team, the speaker, anyone in the media room, and yourself. This count will go in the CYA Service Report. The best time to count is during announcements once everyone is sitting down at the tables. 
After Service
Ensure food is set out with everything they need. 
Ensure everything is in place for the afterparty (ex. games, music). 
Collect all Connect Cards and pens 30 minutes following the end of service. Put empty Connect Cards and pens in the black cabinet in the media room. Hand filled out Connect Cards to Next Gen Director. 
Thank volunteers for serving. 
It is best to stay until at least 9:30 pm. 
Fill out and submit CYA Service Report by 5:00 pm on Wednesday. 
CLICK HERE to fill out and submit the CYA Service Report.