Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

  1. What did you get out of your 10 Minute Tuning (10MT) this week? (Refer to ‘Digging Deeper’ for help)
  2. How are you applying what you’re reading in 10MT?
  3. What’s God saying to you? What’s He doing in your life? How are you responding?
  4. What can you be thankful for?
  5. How can I pray for you?  PRAY TOGETHER!
Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works

  1. How are you intentionally pursuing a daily relationship with Jesus? For example: Bible reading, journaling, prayer, fasting, worship, meditation.
  2. How are you prioritizing, loving, and encouraging (discipling) your family?
  3. How has God gifted you to serve Him (your ministry giftings)? How are your pursuing this?
  4. What worry, stress, or anxiety are you struggling with? What are you trying to control? What do you need to change or do differently? How do you need to trust God in this?
  5. How can I pray for you and support you?
** this phase of discipleship is designs for those who have built a relationship of trust and desire a greater level of freedom that is found in accountability and transparency. **

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

  1. How are you really doing right now? What blocks your growth with Jesus? What blocks your growth in your relationships?
  2. Did you have any reactions this week that didn’t exemplify Christ? What do you think is at the root of this?
  3. Are you holding offense, bitterness, or unforgiveness toward someone?
  4. What do you see as your number one need, and / or struggle?
  5. What are the sins which easily entangle you? Is there unconfessed sin in your life? What next steps does God want you to take?
  6. Have you been completely honest about your answers?