richmond CHECKLIST

Heidi Thurston (765) 725-0026-Sound and Media- Production
Brian Goggins (614) 270-0970 - Worship
Michelle Lipps (937) 336-1789 - Lils and Bigs (Kids)
Lizzi Barancin (937) 423-7553 - Prayer
Marisa Schaar  (937) 533 -3910 Coffee Shop
Tony & Rett Foster (765) 939-9205 - First Impressions
Sonya Edelman (765) 220-2521 - Breakfast
Austin Schaar (937) 533-6169 - Safety
Adam & Kim Osswald (937) 733-8783(K) or (937) 733-8784 (A) - Site Coordinators and Head Ushers
Jason VanAusdal- (765) 338-1161 and Lisa VanAusdal- (765) 277-6753  - Opener and Closer Ministry Leads

Arrive by 9:00a and review OOS in Planning Center 
Verify AC or heat is on and at the proper temperature (65˚ in the summer, 68˚ in the winter). Ensure that the Nest stays in COLD/HOT mode.
Make sure all doors are unlocked. 
Turn on all lights. 
Locate Gray folder and supplies in office and distribute supplies and  anything in gray folder based on the Service Notes in PCO.
Perform a quick walkthrough of the building to ensure it's in order for the morning.
Wear a radio and your headset. (Channel 4) Check to ensure Safety Volunteers and Head Ushers have radios on by 9:30 AM and are in correct positions.
Place two little water bottles (stored in the office) on the pastors podium. 
Ensure TV is turned to What’s Happening Now.
Turn TV on with television remote > top 'plate' of the apple tv remote will be use to navigate into  WHN  > Click the center of the top plate to connect the remote > click the center of the top plate to select PLAYLISTER (three lines with yellow arrow)  > WHN with date will display > Click the center of the top plate again > WHN image will display > Click the center of the top plate again to bring full screen
Turn on all TVs - foyer, crew cafe, upper room, mommy baby room and nursery.  The TV's in the foyer and crew cafe must have volume turned all the way down, so that correct sound level may be heard coming out of ceiling speakers.
Introduce yourself as the Site Coordinator for the day and connect with all department leads - including Community Kids teachers.  Be intentional, this is your time to love on the other departments and offer prayer.
Check in with openers/closers and pass along any pre and post service set up that may be needed. They are here to facilitate. 
Check to ensure breakfast is set up by 9.
Check the sanctuary to ensure the band is rehearsing by 9.  
Check in with the head usher to ensure they're equipped for the morning.
Gather everyone to pray with pastor Eric at 9:23.
Make sure all volunteers show up and positions are covered as listed on PCO
As service approaches, if you see Pastor Eric greeting people with anything in his hands, please offer to take  them from him and place where he directs.
Ensure tv in the foyer is on and at a proper sound level.  Should have WHN slides on before service and switch to a 3 min countdown at 9:57 AM.  Contact Production Lead with any concerns. 
Do a final walkthrough to ensure all departments are covered.
Ensure first impressions close all doors to the sanctuary at 9:57 AM to prompt guests to take their seats.


Check to ensure side and back door are locked during service and unlocked as soon as service is over. (Safety)
Ensure both safety crew members are in their posted locations.
Ensure tv in foyer switches over to Live Service and is at a proper sound level.  Contact Production Lead with any concerns. 
Ensure the table and chair is placed on stage during prayer, before offering. (Head Usher)


Stand in foyer during dismissal.
Collect kid's cards and connect cards. 
Ensure each volunteer area has been closed down by its volunteers (Coffee shop, Big Kids, Little Kids, Sound, Breakfast).
Get a report from each department to see how the morning went. 
Get total attendance count from Head Usher and break down by services.
Ensure all apple remotes (mother's and sanctuary) are placed on the charging stations. 
Ensure all space heaters in mother and baby rooms are turned off. 
Please ensure gray folder is given to Pastor Eric
Ensure each department has gathered their trash and placed it by the door for closer to take out. 
Ensure trash is taken out (Coffee shop, kids rooms, bathrooms, kitchen).
Ensure other departments have placed all radios on the charger. 
Collect all crew lanyards and place them where they go. 
Ensure all lights are turned off.  
Turn off all TVs.
Ensure all exterior doors are locked when you are ready to leave.
Ensure the building is restored to excellence and ready for next week. 
CLICK HERE to fill out and submit your service notes